Paranoid personality disorder

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If a person with PPD does form a close relationship, the relationship is often accompanied by jealousy and controlling tendencies.

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People who suffer with PPD do not only suspect strangers, but people they know as well, they believe those they know are planning to harm or exploit them without evidence to support their suspicions. As a result of others reacting negatively to their hostility, their negative expectations are often confirmed for example, they may suspect that their neighbor takes the garbage out early in the morning just to bother them. They are often difficult to get along with, as they can be confrontational and aggressive therefore, they generally lack close relationships with other people because they are constantly waiting for negative outcomes such as betrayal.

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People with PPD often interpret even friendly gestures as manipulative or malevolent. Paranoid personality disorder (PPD) is characterized by an extreme level of distrust and suspicion of others unjustified feelings of suspicion and mistrust of others, hyper sensitivity, expectation – without justification -that will be damaged and exploited by others and a tendency to find hidden meanings messages and comments that are in reality harmless behaviors as degrading or threatening.

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